Oral Surgery
There are many reasons oral surgery may be needed, but no matter what the reasoning, our doctors take every option into account before recommending surgery. Our general dentists will be glad to refer you to local and excellent qualified oral surgeons.
We know that oral surgery is serious and should only be considered after ensuring all other options have been explored. Our patients are our number one priority, and we are here to answer any questions you have.
Our general dentists can refer you to a local periodontist that has the expertise to help you. Periodontics involves the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease. A periodontist is a dentist who has spent substantial time in specialized training in the field of periodontics. Periodontal specialists have the expertise the expertise and experience to help you keep your teeth, gums, and jaw healthy, functional, and beautiful.
Types of Oral Surgery
Third molars, or wisdom teeth, are the last set of permanent molars to emerge and are the most likely to need extraction due to crowding of the teeth. Other reasons teeth may require extraction are impacted teeth, decay or infection.
Pocket Reduction
Pocket reduction minimizes the deep gum pockets that form at the edge of the gum line, making them easier to access and clean. This helps the prevention of periodontal disease and plaque accumulation in the future as you continue proper oral hygiene in your day-to-day routine.
Gum Grafting
There are two types of gum grafting: free gingival graft and connective tissue graft. A free gingival graft is designed to thicken gums where gum recession has begun. This makes the teeth more resistant to infection and helps prevent further gum recession. A connective tissue graft is done in cases where the root surfaces of the tooth have been exposed. By covering the exposed tissue, we can help reestablish proper gum contours in your oral cavity.
Sinus Lift
A sinus lift is done when your sinus cavity is too large or not strong enough for dental implants, so it needs to be “lifted” to give your mouth the space it needs or the strength to support your implants. Each case is different, so your sinus lift may be done at the time of your dental implants or done in advance before your implants are placed. In either case, your sinus grafting will ensure you have enough strong bone to anchor your dental implants.
Bone Grafting
Our general dentists will be glad to refer you to local and excellent qualified oral surgeons. Bone grafting augments the healthy bone in your jaw and stimulates regeneration that further restores your jawbone structure. Because the bone serves as an anchor for dental implants, the bone must be strong enough to hold the implants securely. Once your bone is healed, you will be ready to receive your dental implants.
Crown Lengthening
Crown lengthening is done when a tooth is too far into the gums for treatment or proper use. We can remove excess gum tissue from around one or more of your teeth which then allows us to work on the teeth that have decayed or broken off too close the gum line. Crown lengthening may also be recommended if you have a “gummy” smile or if your gums are infected. With more tooth structure showing above the gum line, your teeth will appear longer and your gums less prominent.
For more information about oral surgery or a procedure you need done, contact our offices for questions or to schedule an appointment at one of three locations.